Tredyffrin Public Library’s Historic Oak Tree Gets TLC | Shreiner

Tredyffrin Public Library’s Historic Oak Gets TLC

The library was literally designed around the tree.

Shreiner Tree Care The great Red Oak Tree at the Tredyffrin Public Library got some much needed care recently.

According to Tredyffrin Township Assistant Manager Matt Baumann, the tree –which was the focal point for the library’s design – is between 120 and 140 years old.

Thankfully, Shreiner Tree Care of King of Prussia stepped in to help keep the tree strong and healthy.

Shreiner Tree Care owner Steve Shreiner said the work would have cost the township a few thousand dollars, but the company wanted to give back to the community and donated its time and services for free.

Shreiner said crews worked to remove dead limbs, added a new layer of mulch, and fertilize the tree root area.

“The tree had seen better days,” Baumann said. “We’re really grateful for Steve’s services and knowledge.”

Shreiner said being active in communities is a big part of his company, saying he and his teams are invested in keeping the green spaces the communities they serve healthy and thriving.

Shreiner Tree Care“It was a preservation mission in combination with the library’s 50th anniversary,” Shreiner said, which Baumann called “perfect timing” as he and Shreiner had met shortly before the company offered to do the work.

The great Red Oak Tree is already quite old, and Shreiner’s care will likely give it an even longer life than could have been imagined when the architect designed the library in 1974.

Baumann said the township is hoping to give the tree a check up annually to ensure it has a long life.

“It’s a real honor to work on the tree and to keep it there for the library,” he said. “It’s been a pleasure to work with this public-private partnership.”

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